Page 74 - chs-1990
P. 74
Hey y'all, What's up? My name is Tom Hornsby. I'm
a 16 year old junior and I'm writing th1s about me to
let you know what a great guy I am. I'll tell ya' I am
good . . I just can't get over ill I play football for
our great school. Go Mighty Tigers! I also play
basketball and baseball. I've always played all
three. It's not a big thmg, I don't see why other
people don't do it too. One thmg you must do is
keep your grades up. That I do, 'cause 'ole mom,
she'll go crazy on me 1f I don't. Then there's my
truck. I've got a '72 Ford . JUSt call it Whitey. I
can't dnve my hoss truck without my hoss dog
That's Cane. He's the best 'ole buddy in the whole
world I moved here to Lake City last year. There's
not a lot different here people are people, but
the athletics are a lot better 'cause it's a bigger
town and bigger school Y'all compla1n about not
having anythmg to do here, but let me tell ya'!l! Try
living m Arkansas where you can't see a thing for
ten miles but soybeans Basically I think 1t's pretty
mce here, I've got no problems with it. Well, y'all
hang loose Be Cool.- Tom #15
Ricky Durrance
Shayne Edge
Chuck Edwards
Travis Edwards
Jeremy Endsley
Bobby Erickson
Susan Evans
Cline Feagle
lvey Feagle
Tracey Ferger
Anita Franklin
Larry Freeman
Frank Freeney
Donay Fulwood
Marvm Futch
Beth Gall
Shannon Gardner
Steve Gaskins
Frank Gasparrini
Genina Geiger
Jemfer Geiger
April George
Roger German
Trent G1ebeig
Tma Gladkowski
Chris Glemser
Magda Gonzales
Aubrey Goodman
Jeannie Gray
Stephanie Green