Page 70 - chs-1990
P. 70
Welcome to Our
Class officers: Sec. - Todd Baker, Pres. - Travis Edwards, V.P.- Katrina Vinzant, and Tres. -
Mandi Busscher
Class of 91 ... Yeah buddy, One to go! Then we're FREE. Free to do
Junior Homecom1ng Court: Tonyette Wooldridge, Christy
what? Go to college, get a job, start a family. I say, enjoy it while it Pope
Robert Abbott
Mia Adams
Ryan Adams
Alex Amparo
Teri Apel
James Arrington
Steve Aune
Wallace Ausgood
Amy Ashby
Kathy Austin
Terrance Baker
Todd Baker
Willie Baker
Peggy Baldwin
Tia Banther
George Barker
Heather Barnes
Tessa Barton