Page 187 - chs-1991
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J.V. stops for a pose. 1st Row L to R Denise Cannon, Tanya Gardner, Toni Thorsby, Devina
Merricks, Allison Kelly, Vicki Payne, Lesah Stalnaker 2nd Row Renee Parish, Katrina Weather-
spoon, Teppi Habern, Mandi Touchton, Aronia Lewis; Teresa Bryant (Tiger)
1. Mandi Touchton, Teppi Habern, and Allison Kelly socialize with
friends at a football game. Shouldn't you guys be cheering?
2. J.V. says there's nothing to it - VOGUE- just strike a pose.
1. Look at Toni she not only cheers but dances too!
2. Aren't we pretty after a five hour drive to Georgia Southern? Don t you just love ummer camp?
3. j .V. makes the Homecoming parade a hit with those big smiles.
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