Page 200 - chs-1991
P. 200
1st Row: Shawyn Lockley, Dana Johnson, Brandy Crusaw, Katrina Weatherspoon, Malcolm Gambles, Latonya Jones, Antwoine Smith, Scott Samera,
Sabrina Holliday, Lisa Cox, Anthony Norris, J.T. Kline, 2nd Row: Jamina Scippio, Chad Ferris, Roger Allen, Denitra Kelly, Tassie Eubanks, Treasa
Brown, Timothy Carnie!, Albert Griffin, Kumari Anderson, Mike Kazmierski, Barbara Berry, Drucilla Sapp, Kelly Tyre 3rd Row: Amy Dekle, Tonyette
Wooldridge, Brenda Pierce, Shaune Mayo, Monica Goss, Renee Reeder, Andy Owens, Rebecca Porter, Darby Lane, Marlon Jones, Rima Driggers, Amiee
West, Georell Conner, Vickie Payne, Drake North, Travis Edwards, Joey O'Neal, Lynn Coles, George Williams
The oldest and most outspoken organiza-
tion on campus, Columbia High School
Student Council is one of a kind. This
year's council included six officers, thirteen
class officers, and ninety-eight representa-
tives/ alternates.
Student Council kicked off the year by
welcoming back the #1 faculty and staff.
As usual, they sponsored Orientation for
new-comers a week before school. On the
first day of school, the Student Council of-
ficers were ready to begin the year with the
daily morning and afternoon announce-
How could a #1 council of a #1 school
not have #1 activities for #1 students?
Well, we do not know because we, the stu-
dents of Columbia High School, do not fit
the description. After most home football
games, the council sponsored a Victory
Dance. The main activity, however, is
Student Council Officers: Bottom - Jamina Scippio, President Middle - Shawyn Lockley, Parliamentarian
CHS' s Homecoming.
Frank Freeney, Treasurer Top - Malcolm Gambles, Sgt.-at-Arms; Patti Witt, Secretary; Amy Dekle, Vice
The council worked diligently preparing President
for Homecoming Week. During this week,
the Council was responsible for tallying the proved to be a success. From the Homecom-
points for each daily activity. Student ing Court nominations to the Victory
Council sponsored a "Jail-a-Teacher" con- Dance after the Homecoming game, Stu-
test. The officers collected money from stu- dent Council worked continuously.
dents who were interested in jailing some Student Council is always willing to help
of their favorite teachers. After a long week the community. During December, they
of collecting money, Mr. Charles Mobley worked with other organizations and spon-
was selected by students to be jailed. At the sored a Christmas party for less fortunate
Homecoming Pep Rally, Officer Buddy children in the community.
Williams carried Mobley to the local jail. Student Council is indeed the organiza-
During halftime of the Homecoming tion of all organizations at Columbia High
Game, Student Council President Jamina School. Hats off to Mrs. Bessie Whitfield,
Scippio, presented the 1st place trophy for Student Council sponsor, and the dedicated
Homecoming activities to Senior Class teachers who willingly offered to assist in
President, Katrina Vinzant. Homecoming any way possible. CHS Student Council de- Jamina Scippio prepares to present the Homecomin
serves TWO SNAPS UP! Trophy during halftime activities.