Page 246 - chs-1991
P. 246
Super Seniors Super Seniors
Shyest John Stevenson and Tina Boris. Being shy is an asset and a liability. Most Unique Chuck Crews and Kristi Thomas.
Chuck Crews
Chuck feels that our
John Stevenson generation is looked down
John thinks that being shy is an asset upon more than any other
and a liability because he listens more. He because we don't apply
thinks it is a liability because he's not as ourselves to our duties as
outgoing as he would like to be. John much as earlier genera-
doesn't think of himself as shy. He just tions.
speaks when he has something to say.
Kristi Thomas
Tina Boris Kristi thinks our genera-
Tina also thinks being shy can be both tion has been looked down upon because, "People aren't afraid
an asset and a liability, "Sometimes it can to let people know what they really think, how they really feel,
keep you out of trouble by keeping your and who they really are."
mouth shut . . . but it can stop you from "Alcohol," Kristi says, is the most widely used drug today.
expressing your opinion." "Half of everyone I know drinks, at least occasionally."
Super Seniors Super Seniors