Page 300 - chs-1991
P. 300

'lJear !Rjc/i,
                                                   rro Ttm,
                                                   It is time to unfoU your                     (joa gave you to us and t
                                                   personality into tlie man you                were so gratefuL
                                                   want to 6e. Create tlie K._int£ of
                                                   self you wi{{ 6e fiappy to five              'But (joa gave you tlie per
                                                   witli tlie rest of your Cife.
                                                                                                severance  to  maK!.  it!

                                                                                                We're  proua of you·-ana

                                                                                               sti{{ grateju{  for you.

             &mwu&  ®Ju&~J.IDrn~

             of  nil  {pe  ktJJ  npJ  nil

             {pe  pnrep{J  tp  {pe
             woriJ.  we\re  qlnJ  we

             epJ  up  {oqdper.  We
                                                   1(espect yourself--you fiave  a
             nre  uerq  prouJ  of  qou.            rigfit to 6e liere. Your Cife is a

             Copqrn{ufn{top J!                     canvas ana you are  tlie
                                                   painter--create  a masterpiece.
                        lou e.                              I Love You,
             JUOJU,  JnJ.  f JUtcpe[e                       9v{Q9v{

                                          To  our friencLs,
                                               We ha,ve gone through so  much.
                                          We a,re gCa,cf,  to ha,ve you ill a,s
                                           f riencLs .  The rnernories  rna,cLe here
                                          we wUl ill cherish for  a,  Cifetime.
                                           ao  a,ncL fuCfiCC  your cLre,a,rns.  Don't
                                           worry ahout wha,t other pwpCe
                                          thin~; cLo  wha,t you wa,nt to.
                                                        We Cove you,
                                                        Da,vicL,  Tirn,  a,nc{,  Rich
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