Page 302 - chs-1991
P. 302

Senior Party Crew ... ![riencfs ![oreve

                                                                                        .9ls  tfie  years  fiave  gone  6y,
                                                                                        we've  a[[  remainetf  so  c[ose
                                                                                        We  are  a[[  [ikJ_  sisters.  We've
                                                                                        fiat£ OUT gootf times,  ana OUT not
                                                                                        so gootf times/But tfirougfi it a[£
                                                                                        we've  remainetf  tfie  tBest  of
                                                                                        Wfien we fiatf our pro6[ems  our
                                                                                        frientf.s  were  a[ways  tfiere  for
                                                                                        us.  .9ls  time  goes  on,  ana
                                                                                        cfianges  occur,  notfiing wi[[ ever
                                                                                        cfiange  our friencfsfiip.  We  wi[[
           Xjm- :How a6out some greasy porK:_ dwps     :Frientfs,  tftank_you for 6ringing mt   a[ways  remem6er  tfie  [ove
           ana cliifi 6eans.  ['{[ t~ tfit sinf.J you can   up wfun I  was fulittg aown.  J'([ cfurisfi.   we've  sfiaretf growing  up  ana
           liave  tfit  toilet.  Mantfi-Qjlit j{i.rting! Mari   tfu wontfetju( timts we ftaa togttfur.  Love
           '%.rlieaa.  I  Cove  ya, ''Boss  1fog. •   ya  (jafs!!,  ':JCasfi.'          tfie wontferju[ times togetfier.

          :Frientf.s 4--l£ver!!! M .W.  It's
          6[ack..: .. yuck..: .. 1(L. c[ean it up!
          1(L. can I  trucK_your
          arive?  ... %.:B.  wfiicfi one is it
          now? ... %. W.  Jiow a6out some
          sugar  for tfiat tea?! ... 1(L.
          Crysta! :B[ue Persuasion .. M.9{;
          Wfiere's tfie PJI!I(P)1 ... L ast  of
          aCC...It's getting K;jna of fiectic!!
          Love you Si£9{JO'R,S!!!
          'l(L.,%. W.,%.9{;M. :B.

          To  our parents, we wouM [iRJ.  to say
         tfiank:.§ for a{[ tlie. support you fiave
        given us  tfirougfiout  tlie. years.  We  fove
         you ana we K_now  tfiat you wi[[ a{ways
         6e for us.
         tMefincfa, 'l(j.m,Mari/Mancfi

                                                 J'{[ never forget you guys and  our fun   You (jafs wif{ always remain  in my lieart.
                                                 weeK;pufs.  I liope we wif[ always 6e  cCose   'We  liave  /iac{ some X:._if!er  times. Let's stick..
                                                 antf ~ep in  toucli.  I liope  a[[ your dreams   toget!Ur antf ~ep tfit party crew alive! Yes
      298                                        come  true.  Love ya,  Crazy Cooter   I tfo  X:._now  wliicli one  now! ''Daisy  'Du~ •
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