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                                                          FRIENDS  FOREVER
                                                We're  joined  in  a  friendship
                                                That  time cannot  sever
                                                With  bonds  we  have  built
                                                We'll  remain  friends  forever
                                                We're  welded  in  a spirit
                                                Attached  by our  hearts
                                                We're  fused  by  the  feeljng
                                                That friendship  imparts
                                                We're  tied  by  emotions
                                                Connected  by dreams
                                                Reinforced  by  our  hopes
                                                Unified  by extremes
                                                No longer a  function
                                                Of time or  of  space
                                                Our  friendship  is  a  substance
                                                That  life  won't  replace
                                                No  matter  how distant
                                                                                           LaQuela  Tashika  Moultrie
                                                We'll  always  endeavor
               Tabitha  Kyanda  Lake            To sense  the  full  meaning                     "Shika"
                                                Of FRIENDS  FOREVER!!!!

      To  My Precious  Daughter Tabitha
      I'm  so  very  proud  of  your  achieve-                                      To Our Darling Daughter And Sister Ta-
      ments  and  accomplishments.  You've                                          shika
      made  me  very  proud  of  you  all  the                                      A very special young lady to  us.  We are
      years  that you were growing up into a                                        so very  proud of  you.  Good luck  in ev-
      nice young lady. Remember not to let                                          erything  you  do  in  life.  Continue  to
      anything come between you and your                                            make  us  proud.  Remember we  love  you
     goals  and  dreams.  I LOVE  YOU!!                                             and are always here if you need us. GOD
                 MOM                                                                BLESS  YOU!!
                                                                                      Mom,  Dad, Marlon, and Shannon
     To  My Loving  Daughter Veronica
      It  is  now  time  for  me  to  say  my                                       To My One and Only Daughter Deidra
     daughter  has  grown  into  a  beautiful                                       Time has passed so fast, from you taking
     young  lady. You have really made me                                           your first step to taking the big step into
     proud of you and I hope you will con-                                          the  future.  Just  remember  where-ever
     tinue  to  be  successful  in all  that you                                    you  go  and what-ever  you  do,  I will  al-
     do.  I LOVE  YOU!!                                                             ways  be  there  for  you.  I LOVE  YOU!!
                 MOM                                                                              MOM

                                             THE  FRIEND WHO JUST STANDS  BY
                                             When  trouble comes  your  soul  to  try
                                             You  love  the  friend  who just  "stands  by"
                                             Perhaps  there  is  nothing  she can  do
                                             The  thing  is  strictly just  for  you;
                                             For  there  are  troubles all  your  own,
                                             And  paths  the  soul  must  tread  alone;
                                             Times  when  love  cannot smoothe  the  road
                                             Nor  friendship  lift  the  heavy  load;
                                             But  just  to  know you  have  a  friend
                                             Who  will  "stand  by"  until  the  end,
                                             Whose  sympathy  through  all  endures,
                                             Whose  warm  handclasp  is  always  yours
                                             It  helps, someway,  to  pull  you  through,
                                             Although  there's  nothing  she can  do.
                                             And  so  with  fervent  heart  you  cry,
              Veronica  Elayne Stewart       "God  bless  the  friend  who  just  'stands  by'  "   Deidra  Lynette Thomas
                   "Ronica"                                                                   "De De"

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