Page 112 - chs-1992
P. 112
Amber Reeves DOB: 5-3-76
INTERESTS: playing the piano,
drawing, writing poctry,listcning to
music,spending time with friends
HOPES FOR FUTURE: To go to the
University of Florida, possibly
majoring in advertising. I hope to
have a career and then a family.
COMMENTS: Most people think that
it is a really bad thing to be from a
small town. I think that going to a
school and living in a town where you
can sec the same person twice without
going out of your way is a valuable
experience that should be treasured. I
like my town and I am glad I've been
so richly blessed by God. I have a
Ray Kirkland wonderful life and I am thankful for
DOB: 3-30-76 it.Congratulations to the Class of '92!
INTERESTS: Dungeons & Dragons,
Hydrosliding, basketball, Stephen Ginger Hill
King, computer and Genesis games, DOB: 7-29-76
collecting, writing, drawing, computer INTERESTS: none
programming, CHS Academic Team HOPES FOR FUTURE: graduate from
HOPES FOR FUTURE: 1. To graduate! high school, attend college, become
(Hopefully as valedictorian.) 2. Get a psychologist
doctorate in psychiatry from U.F. COMMENTS: I think it is about time
3. Make $1 million a year. everyone should realize: people are
COMMENTS: Even though privileges people. I constantly have to remind
have been stripped and walking down myself that I should accept others'
the hallway is like being put on trial differences, and I hope others do the
by every teacher who stops you, this same. If we all respected each others'
year has been pretty fun. Meeting all views, ways, and feelings, we would
of these new people was great, eliminate prejudice, racism, and
everyone is really nice. Class of 94 cliques. All of us have to deal with
rules!!! this closc-mindcdncss every day.
Wouldn't it be great if we could put
unncccesary labels aside and get on
with our lives.
Steve Story
DOB: 6-30-76
INTERESTS:drawing cartoons,reading
everything from S. King to D. Adams,
and watching videos on M1V
have a career in writing fiction.
COMMENTS: It is hard to get
everything going right in school.
What you have to do can't be
explained by some guidance counselor,
it just has to click in your head so you
can get on the ball. It's hard and Charity Knight
confusing, but you just have to get an DOB:7-12-76
attitude and remember not to take the INTERESTS:cheerleading, gymnastics
world on by yourself. You need help; it HOPES FOR FUTURE: 1 want to go to
would take forever to learn all you college and get my degree. Then want
had to know about life on your own. to get a good job and hopefully get
You need friends , they can keep you married one day
sane. COMMENTS: I think that we need to
all start helping save the
108 Sophomores