Page 113 - chs-1992
P. 113

Sam  Little
                                             DOB: 2-10-76
                                             INTERESTS:  Drawing,  football,
                                             HOPES FOR FUTURE: I would love to
                                             be  a  pro  football  player  but  that
                                             would be extremely hard for me to do.
                                             My main goal right now is to  do well
                                             in school, play football, and have tons
                                             of fun.
                                             COMMENTS:  I  think  that  school  is
                                             okay  sometimes.  I  like  coming  to
                                             school  to  see everyone, but we always
                                             get  too  much  homework.  The  best
                                             thing  about  school  is  having  Tiger
                                             Pride  which  I definitely  have!  Class
                                             of 94  rules!!!

                                             Misty Cadis
                                             DOB: 3-18-76
                                             INTERESTS:  tennis,  swimming,
                                             talking  on  the  telephone,  track,
                                             dancing, modeling
                                                                                    Wampannaga  Smith
                                             HOPES  FOR  FUTURE:  Wherever life     DOB:  12-4-75
                                             leads me, I pray that it is in the right
                                                                                    INTERESTS:     cheerleading,
                                             direction  to  be a  success in all  of my
                                                                                    talking  on  the  phone,  reading,
                                                                                    being  with  friends,  Student
                                             COMMENTS:  I  have  been  raised  to   Council
                                             love everyone,  obey  the golden  rule,   HOPES  FOR  FUTURE:  My  hope
                                             and  to  be the very best that  I can be.   for the future is to be the best I can
                                             Therefore, I must strive to achieve my
                                                                                    be.  I  want  to  also  finish  college
                                             goals  and  I  will  never  forget  the
                                                                                    and  obtain  a  job  in  whatever
                                             people who helped me along the way.    profession I choose to pursue.
                                             To  all  of  my  family  and  friends,   COMMENTS:  I  feel  that  more
                                             especially my grand parents: Thanks!   money  should  be  given  to
                                                                                    education.  They  shouldn't  cut
                                                                                    back children's education because
                                                                                    it is our key to success.

       Teresa Torrans                              Sean  Stewart
        DOB: 7-20-76                               DOB:  6-12-76
        INTERESTS:  dancing,  softball,  swimming,   INTERESTS:  swimming, soccer,
        skiing, watching football, and deep sea fishing   animals, forests, and science
        HOPES  FOR  FUTURE:  I  plan  to  become  a   HOPES FOR FUTURE: I want to
        physical therapist and sports doctor of winning   become a  teacher because I like
        football  teams.  I  also  want  to  own  a  fitness   kids and I want my summers off.
        center.                                   COMMENTS:  I  feel  very
        COMMENTS:  My  favorite  saying  is:  "If you   strongly about racism and being
        believe  it,  you  can achieve  it."  If you  follow   prejudice.  I think everybody is
        this simple saying and always have a  positive   equal, regardless of sex, country,
        attitude  on  life  will  go  far!  Best  wishes  to   or skin color.  There is no room in
        everyone and may  God bless you!           the world for  that.

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