Page 183 - chs-1992
P. 183
FEA officers Gynne Phillips, Teresa Bryant, and Tanya Gardner are the future of
FHA, FEA, and Hosa members Tamara Phillips, Teresa Freeney, Dana Johnson,
Cornetta Brooks, and Audrey Legree form a club conglomeration.
Health Occupations Students of America Future Homemakers of America is a vo-
consists of students interested in health- cational organization for students enrolled
related professions. During the year we as- in home economics classes. It promotes
sist with the community Health Fair and personal growth and leadership develop-
school blood drive. We have first aid cars in ment and focuses on the multiple roles of
the homecoming parade and help at the an- family members, wage earners, and com-
nual Summers Fall Festival and the Olustee munity leaders. The Columbia High School
first-aid station. chapter has been very busy this year. They
Students compete in regional, state, and attend the district meeting, held a clothing
national competition. This year's 1st, 2nd, and toy drive, participated in the public
and 3rd regional winners will advance to library's readathon, participated in the
state in Tampa. Then any 1st, 2nd and 3rd Christmas parade and many more activi-
place winners will go on to nationals in ties.
Anathieum, California.
Mrs. Holliday and her friend definitely agree that
Milk does a body good.