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CBE members Tanya Buck and Christina Cannon bal-
      Marie Ash, Erica  Ball,  Holly Brooks, Tanya  Buck,  Christina Cannon, Lara  Gilliland, Melissa  Hewlett, Sherry   ance  work and  school.
      Lang, Patsy Mozo, Amy Spradley, Amy Taylor, Stacy Thomas,  Brian  Vinci

      CBE  Officers -  president -  Melissa  Hewlett,  vice-president -  Stacy Thomas   OCT  officers  are  joe  Sapp,  Leslie  McDaris,  jessica  Pritchard,  Thomas  Nessmith,
      secretary -  Erica  Ball, treasurer  -  Tanya  Buck   '   Robert Reeves, Becky Frampton, Calley Dekle, Sherry Spradley, Becky Laurette, and
                                                            Mike Oglesby.

       Cooperative  Business  Education  is  a  co-
      op  program  at  Columbia  High  School
      where students earn while  they learn. Stu-
      dents attend classes in the morning during                                  Students who are in Diversified Coopera-
      early-birds class (7:15-8:05 A.M.) and work   Vocational  Industrial  Clubs  of  America   tive Training at Columbia High School are
      in an office in the afternoons. It is a cooper-  is  a  national  club  formed  to  teach  leader-  members  of  the  Cooperative  Education
      ative  effort  between  school,  student,  and   ship,  parliamentary  procedure  and  to  fur-  Clubs of Florida. They are afforded the op-
      community.  During  school,  students  take   ther moral values. One of VICA's activities   portunity to seek an office of responsibility
      required  subjects  1,  2,  and  3  periods,  the   is  the  homecoming  chili  feed  during  float   and  to  demonstrate  the  importance  of
      CBE  student is allowed to leave school and   building.  The  proceeds  from  this  are  used   working with other club members. CECF is
      go to work at 11:05 A.M. Students are grad-  to  sponsor  HRS  children  for  the  annual   designed  to  complement  and  supplement
      ed  for  their  on-the-job  performance  each   Christmas  party.         the regular cooperative education program.
      six weeks grading period  by their supervi-
      sor. This grade is recorded on the students'
      report cards.

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