Page 366 - chs-1992
P. 366

rr'assie  tJJanie{{e 'Eu6ant

                                                   1'ou  are  a snining  e~mple of what  a
                                               itwtflter can 6e  · /Qw. an4 f.IJJJgnur;  6uw.tiful
                                               ani gooi;  fwnut  ani principlei; iuermind
                                               a1Uf itulepenimt; sensitivt an4 inufUeent .  .sts
                                               you step out into tfu 6ig wor£4,  Wt wisn you
                                               tfu  CD~trtJBe  to  oe  warm,  wnen  tne  wor&l
                                               prefers  you  to  oe  'cooL·  'We  'Wisn  you
                                               sun.snine  on· your patn, an4 storms  to season
                                               your journey.  'We  'Wisn  you  peace  ·  in  tne
                                               ccmur of your neart wnert.  tfu  tru.tX  is  ~t.
                                               'We  wisn you faitll  .  to ne{p  tiefine your Cife.
                                               ?{J.ver stop  oe{Ufling  in  yourself.  ~tever
                                               you ac!J.Uflt., as ftme as it mlJi:.t.s you ftappy an4
                                               you want it,  you wi[[ oe  a suaus.  .%ways
                                               !isun to your fuart, wfiiU!Ung for no tiling
                                               out  tfu out.  (jive  to life anti it wi[[ give  to
                                               you.  ~ you Cive,  always  rt.mlmoer that Jl1lJl
                                               art  {ovcl  pelJI  muc5.  1'ou  art.  our  snining
                                               t)(atnpU an4 we are so proui of you.
                                                              'We Love 1'ou,
                                                             Mom &  'Dati

                                          Specia{  is  a  wora  user£  to  aescri6e
                                           sometliing  tliat  is  unique  ana one-of-a
                                          Specia{  aescri6es  someone  wlio  acts
                                          from  tlie  lieart ana a{ways remem6ers  tlie
                                          feeCings cif otliers.
                                          Specia{  aescri6es  sometliing  tliat  is
                                          aamirea aru£ precious  ana couM never 6e
                                          rep facet£.

                                          Specia{ is  tlie  wora tliat  6est  aescri6es
                                          you, sis.
                                                               I Cove you,

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