Page 367 - chs-1992
P. 367
:J{ow tfiatfie past 17 years oo 6yso Jasti' It sums otte stcona you were my fittfeoirf am{ tfien ltuntta arouna
ana see a you no aauft tfiat I am VtnJ proua of 'IVe fiaVtoone tftrouofi our sfiare of 6natinttS ana fiopejuffy a
fot moreoootltimes, 6ut tfirouofi. it a« we came out tfie 6est of frientls, most importantfy as a famify.
'J{pw you are a6out to start on a new pnrt of your fife ana witfi your morals, vafues, ana common sense, I
~ow you UJi{{ 90 far. I {now tfiat anytfiino you set your min a to ao, you UJi{{ aucmpfufi ana I UJi{{ always 6e
fiere for you· as your Mom, your 'Best :Friend, ana your'lJiogest :Jan.
'U-itfi. J.lf{ Our LoVt, !Mom ana'J{ptafit
tf3~'])G'E'T ~
You liave rruuft us very proud of you. Your
goais liave 6un fii.gfi. oru.s aruf you reaci'Ua eacfi.
one. ~ep setting aruf reacftitiJJ. eacfi. one you
wan.t. '%ways fooK_ to (jodfor guitfana.
~mem6er always tfiat we Cove you ver;y mucfi..
'We wif{ always 6e li.ere for you to fuip, Cove,
supp_ort, encouragt;J an.J staTui 6eftiruf y_ou in
your ifaify wa!K.Wtth (j_oas lidping liani£. .Love,
t])fi&y, 9.Iomma, Jatitf
'We .Love You!!!!
Sr. Ads 363