Page 372 - chs-1992
P. 372

'Best J'riends

                                                   On ?{swem!Jer 21st, 19 7 4 (jorf 'Bfesseri
                                                   lli 'Witli a 'Beauty.  'Because lie K.Jtew
                                                    tliere wouU 6e no nwre.  You were
                                                   tlie  fast of tfie 6est anri tfie 6est of tlie
                                                     fast,  witli your sea green eyes ant£
                                                    cfiestnut liair.  'Witfi determination
                                                    you've finislierf it up, 6a6y we wisli
                                                   you notliing 6ut gootf Cuct  Jts you go
                                                   forwarri witli wliat (jotf lias in store,
                                                    just remem!Jer we're your family for
                                                             ever nwre.
                Sfurry Lee Lang                           :Siierry Lee' S'l( '92'             ~gina Leigli Witt
                                                   Love, :Mom, 'Datf, Yvonne, ant£ Joyce

                                                     Jtt 4:13a.m. onSeptun6er 13,  1973, our
                                                      family 6egan with. a 6eautifu£ 7{6. 2oz.
                                                       GttugirC,  ~actfy we orieruf.
                                                      'IFr.rouofr. th.e years we've watdi.ea you
                                                     grow rmnuU£y anti pfr.ysica{[y 6ecomino a
                                                      detenninu£, positive, Wvino,  anti carino
                                                     person.  'We are so prouti of you anti your
                                                       accomp{isfr.rrunts. 'J{gt onfy are you
                                                     6eautifu£ to th.e eye 6ut, yiour reaf 6eauty
                                                      fits in your h.eart. 'Ifr.anK:_you for 6eino
                                                      our tfauofr.ter anti sister.  'We wif£ afways
                                                      Wvt you anti 6e h.ere for you .. May (jot£
                                                       'Bfess You Jt{ways ... Conoratufations
                                                            Senior, you made it!!
                                                          Love, Mom, 'Dati,  & Pfr.i[{ip

                                                    That's  what  friends  are  for
                                                            "Girl  Friend"

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