Page 396 - chs-1992
P. 396
5tmie Micfie{{e Smitli
It's worulerf u£ reali.zirtg a aream, ~B tliat tfu fittft girC wfw frild our {ijt 'Uiitft joy, ani our fuart.s wit ft. Cove lias grown iJt to a special
youn.g Uufy. 'Wt fr.ope you k.rww fww prou.i we art of you., of tfu cfwias you. 've mait, ani tftt goals you've accompfislid.{ we fr.opt you
kftow, too, fww mucft Wt f.ovt you. .. fww mucft Wt wisft tfiat afL flj your artams come true.
'We Love You, Mom, 'Dai, ana 'BfaKI
Michael Torey McCray
It has been a memorable year and a
half. You've been there when I needed We are proud of you and your
accomplishments. You have brought a
you! You never let me down. Thank you
lot of joy into our lives. Good luck in
for everything you have done for me. I
will always cherish our good times !! your future. Our thoughts are with you.
Good Luck!! We love you,
I love you! Mom, Dad, Corey, and Dusty