Page 401 - chs-1992
P. 401
!l{o[[y Lyn 2\pmans/(j
It isn't necessary
to tfiink._ of special
occasions from
your cfiiftffiooa to
6e aEfe to enjoy
fona memories,
since eacfi aay it
is a pfeasure to to
6e your mom ana
your frieru£.
Infant, toaafer, pre-teen, teen, ana young aau[ti '
your progress fias 6een rapit£, ana your
acfiievements vast. 'Enjoy eacfi new aay ana
maK.g_ your future fit your goafs. Styfe is your
manner ana acfiievement your aesire, so tfie
6rigfitest of tomorrOWS wi{{ 6e yourSj ana you
tfeserve tfie very 6est.
:Jiey pun/(jn, your sis ana I are proua!
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