Page 411 - chs-1992
P. 411

?(am{i  aru£ tJJrantfy,
                                         OnJufy 18, 1974,(joa 6Cessea me witfi
                                        twin aaugfiters. It seems just {iKg_
                                        yesteraay.  We  fiave  6een  tfirougfi so
                                        mucfi togetfier aru£ I want to fet you
                                fiow speciaC you are to me.J'm
                                        {ucky to fiave  two 6eautifu{ aaugfiters
                                        {iKg_ you/You 6otfi mean tfie worU to me.  I
                                        K._now you wi[{ go far in Cife aru£
                                        accomp{isfi a{[ your fiopes  aru£ areams.I
                                        am so proua of you aru£ aCways
                                        rememDer I'm fiere for you. I Cove you ana
                                        may (joa 6Cess you  tfirougfiout your

                                                      I Cove you,

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