Page 413 - chs-1992
P. 413
Jl13est :frientf
Jl 6est friena is a[ways tfiere,
wfietfier you neea arfvice or a pep ta{~
or even a sfiou[tfer to cry on. Jl 6est
friena [istens witfi tier fieart ana is
a[ways fionest witfi you even tfiougfi tne
truth may not 6e wfiat you want to
Jl 6est frientf f(nows a[[ your secrets,
unaerstantfs a[[ your fears, ana sfiares
your tfreams. Jl 6est frientf never stops
6e[ieving in you, even if you give up on
You are tfiat kjna of friena to me
ana no matter wfiat fiappens you wi[[
a[ways 6e.
You are my 6est frienc[ my frientf
S~92 S~92
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