Page 439 - chs-1992
P. 439
LIS!lL, C!lL rij{')j ri2(!lLCf£')j riJ218v{Mfjf
I want a water & a cup of I got my f:..nife· CH (jeorgia
picf\{e.s· CHfJJoogers·TWCH Is fJJouna· LPJYCHPCB '91·
tfttre anytliing on my nose-£PPW T.FC~~Jln~efJJ~u
'l(tep your liarufs off my man·TW fJJoy Jeans you're wearing· LP
Is tliis wfttre it's at·LPCJfi!WP.f Mountain 1Jew· T.FCH
MY 'B'ES'I :F1?Jt£9{'1JS
~ou tXru nave orougfit me mrougfiso mudi.
'Ilie four of us togetfur art ~ a never circfe of
jrUrufsfiip aruf fove. 'J{p:_t year we wi1[ oe separating, out
tfie fove wi1l still oe tfiere. 'J./9 matur fiow far away we
go from one anotfur, our fiearts wi1l oe dose.
(jot! put us on tfiis eartfi to oe ' ~rieruls,
aruf I fuC you are true to tfu eruf.
Sfiut up fJ'ammy·C91 'W'U£ you
Your nails are. growing, you must In times of trou6fe, you nave a£ ways oun tfure.
6e in rove .. on:r Let me jump It was our .frUrulsliip tnat fuU us togetfur mru a[[ tfu up for scfioo{, ut's go to
now or forever fwU my 6oay 6ac/(: narasfiips. I've took:_ a[[ my natretl aruf frustration out on :Jfartftes·CJfl!W'Wait Catfiy come
LP Is your name rea[[y 1Jic/(:V'M you, aruf still tfure is no tfou6t tnat you fovetl me. 6acK!· TW£P'J1!1{. 1JU you {i~
I've aone some rtafly stupid tnings aruf you stootf 6y me, my mennaUfjo~· T.r
out it sfiowetl you fovetl me for me.
'J111Utfur you knew it or not, you were nutWI, aruf I wi1l
a{ ways ned you. 9"ou were tfu ones I couU run to wfi.en
sometning gootf nap pend. ~ou wert tfu ones I couU talk
to wfun sometfiing 6atf nappenetl. I couU always just t~
aruf 6e mysdf Sometimes we didn't nave to taft
Putting our frie.rulsliip in (jotf's narufs,
fetus pray, 'TOqEfl.'J{~ tflat we wi1l oe
Yes mamma, I urufustaru{, f'm 1Jaytona· £PC91V'M Let litr sit
fate·TW I can't .... J'm outtagas.· over litre sfie faJ{(§ {igfiter· T.fO{
CJfitWitJ£P Jlnyone got jumper fJ'om, 1Jicf:.. & :Jfarry·
ca6ft.s.£PJYO{ Let me arive!Let T.FC~'.PD'M I gotta pee· Of
me arivei·LPCHV'MT;TWI)'ou 'Warn me 6efore you flusli· Lewis
owe me $13.84-LP My car is gone· I got frieru£s in (QW pfaces·
£P(Y{ T.{LPCYfitW1J'M
Sr Ads 435