Page 458 - chs-1992
P. 458

lN                                      OF

                     WlLLlAn  .DAVl.D  lilLLS  lV

                  JJORN                                                                         .D'LL.D

              APRlL 7,1973                                                                M-ARCH 17,1992

                                          No  mel-n.  Ls  Cl-n.  Ls(,  en.tLre
                                          Ltsclf;  every  man. Ls  a  pLece of the
                                          con.tLn.en.t,  apart of  the  maLn..  1J
                                          a  c[oci  be  washeci  away  by  the
                                          sea,  Europe Ls  the Less,  as  we[[ as
                                          Lf  a  promontory were,  as  wcl[ as
                                          if a  manor of  the frLen.cis  of thLn.e
                                          own.  were:  an.y  man. 's  cieath
                                          ciLmLn.Lshes  me,  because  1.  am
                                          Ln.vo[veci  Ln.,
                                          therefore  never  to  R-n.ow  for
                                           whom  the  be((  to((s;  Lt  to((s  for
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