Page 82 - chs-1992
P. 82

p           ep  Rally

          Screaming,  yelling,  stomping,
       clapping,  complete  with  cheer-
       ing, dancing, music, loads of fun,
       and  so  much  excitement  in  the
       air you can feel  it  ...
          What  does  this  sound  like  to
       you?  Just  ask  any  student  at
       C.H.S. and they probably reply
        . .  A  PEP  RALLY?
          Even with fewer pep rallies the
       Mighty  Tiger  Pride  hasn't  been
        hampered!  Go  ahead  and see  for
        yourself  ...

        Tiger  mascot  Aimee  West  is  on  the  "prowl"  at  the  Pep
                                                                  The  Band  shows  who is  the  best at  the  Pep  Rallies.
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