Page 94 - chs-1992
P. 94

Kevin  McPhearson
                 Ninette Menna
               Devena  Merricks
                 Barbara  Miller

                 Gerald  Minter
                  Xavia  Minter
              Kimberly Mitchell
                Nekisha  Moore

                             Chris   Wolf's    proudest
                 Cindy Morgan
                 Dawn Morgan   achievemnet is being on the
               Stephanie  Mosely
                  jenna Moses   A-B  honor  roll.  His  advice  to
                             his  fellow  classsmates is  not to
                             mess around during your high
                             school  years,  get  involved  in
                             sports, but let your grades come
                             first.  Don't let these years slip
               Nilofar Mujtaba
                Nancy  Monroe
              Richard  Nabinger
                   jason Nave

                William  Nelson
                  judy Neville
                 Wendy Niece
               Stephanie  Norris

                             Antonio  Bradwell's  advice  to
                             underclassmen is to follow your

                            mind, and not the crowd.  To his
                            fellow  classmates, his advice is
                            to  strive  to  do  your  best  in
                            everything you  do,  whether  it
                            be sports or academics.

                                                         October is fair t:..1e in Columbia County. Rebecca Porter, Mandi Touchton, Naomi Horton, and
       90  juniors                                        jenna Moses have  fun  on  the  midway.
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