Page 99 - chs-1992
P. 99
Brandy Welch
Amanda Wilcox
Chris Wilkey
jimmy Wilkinson
Lon ea Wilkerson
Denise Williams
Jennifer Williams
jess1ca Williams
Marvin Foster says, '1 feel Lashanda Williams
that you should worry Royce Williams
Sonia Williams
about your grades and Steven Williams
your future, and nothing
else." Marvin wants to
go to college and become
an FBI agent. Marvin
wishes his class the best
of luck in the future.
Travis W1l on
Reinard Wilson
Kyala Wilson
Toniwy Winton
Thomas Wise
Chris Wolf
Dennis Wright
Eric Young
Being in the top ten is
nothing new for Ashley
Delaney. She has been a
succesful tennis player f9r
many years and 1s
currently ranked 3rd in ascandra Broussard
Florida and 24th in the Lamon Bullock
nation. She won the onda Dye
Sportsmanship Award at
tl\e National Indoor
Tennis Tournament this
year, and she continues to
lead the Lady Tigers.
Ashley lS noping to
qualify for a tennis
scholarsh_i p, . and to . ~eep
~p the wmnmg trad1t1on.
Juniors qs