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NAOMI  FAITH HORTON         10-27-73                     WILLIAM  BENJAMIN KEEN      "Why?"
      12-2-74                     SHALONDA DONETTE JERNIGAN    2-10-74                     DOUGLAS  LEE  KINGSBURY
      "Na"                        3-22-75                      CHRISTIE  LINDA KEENE       3-21-74
      Falconettes 9;  Dance Club 10, 11; French   "Londa"      11·2·75                     "Sweety"
      Club  11,  12;  CjSA  12;  Journalism  11;   Pep Club 9; FHA 12;  Drill Team 11, 12;   fine Arts Club 9; Student Council 12   Drama Club 9; Wrestling 9, 10, 11, 12; JV
      OCT 12; CECF 12;  FEA  10   Chorus 11, 12                Favorite  Song:  "Seminole  Wind"   Football  9;  Weightlifting  9;  CJSA  12;
      Favorite Song: "Baby Your A Rich Man"   Favorite Song: "I Don't Wanna Do Any-  John  Anderson   Homecoming Activities 12
      - Beatles                   thing Else"  -  Casey  &  Mary J.  Blige   SAMANTHA DEANN KEENE   Favorite Song: "Waffle House Do Wop"
      "It's just  a  stage of life."   VIEONZA  LATINA JERRY   1·10-75                     -  Betty  Welch  Rodgers
      LISA  RENEE  HOSFORD        11-25-75                     "Sammi"                     BRAD WILLIAM  KIRBY
      5-22-75                     "Vee"                        French Club 10,  11; CECF 12;  OCT 12   8-3-75
      "Little One"                Chorus 9,  10, 11, Sgt.-at-Arms 12; FBLA   Favorite Song: "Everything I Do, I Do It   JEFFREY  A  KNIGHT
      Student  Council  9,  10;  Homecoming   11,  12;  SADD 11, 12   For You"  -  Bryan Adams   9-15-74
      Court 9, 12; FCA 9; Spanish Club 9; Jour-  Favorite  Song:  "End  of  the  Road"   DENITRA SAMANTHA KELLY   "Jeff"
      nalism  Staff 12;  OCT 12   Boyz  II Men                 5-16-75                     Football 9, Varsity 11, 12
      Favorite  Song:  "Brown  Eyed  Girl"   CARLOS DONTE JOHNSON   "Nitra,  Gee Que"      Favorite  Song:  "Seminole  Wind"
      Van  Morrison               6-6-74                      Foreign Language Club 9; Student Coun-  John  Anderson
     "Slap  me  in  the face!"    HOLLY  DEANN JOHNSON        cil 9, 10, 11; Varsity Basketball 10, Most   LESLIE  J'ANELLE  KOBERLEIN
     CHRISTY  MICHELLE  HOUDE     10-22-75                    Improved 11,  12;  Photography Club 11,   8-9-75
     2-25-76                      DENNIS L.  JOHNSTON         12;  Yearbook  Staff  11,  Sports  Section   "Lester"
     Favorite Song: "Ragdoll" -  Aerosmith   5-7-75           Editor 12; FEA 12; Volleyball10, 11, Cap·   Advanced World History Club 9; FCA 9;
     "Ya  know what  I'm sayin?"   "Spider"                   tain  12;  Softball  9;  As  istant  Editor  of   Art Club 9, 12; Swim Team 12; Yearbook
     JONATHAN  NATHAN HOWARD      FFA  12                     Newspaper  12;  Homecoming  Activities   Staff 9, 11, 12; Newspaper Staff 9, 11, 12;
     1-3-75                       Favorite Song:  "Unforgiven"  -  Metal-  10,  12;  Dual  Enrollment 12;  Leadership   Key Club 10; French Club 10, 11; Dance
     "Ro  Hobbs"                  lica                        12; Student Council 9,  10, 11   Club  and  Spring  Recital  10;  Student
     Basetall JV 9, MVP 10, Varsity MVP 11,   ANTHONY LASHARN JONES   Favorite Song: "Ain't Nobody Like You"   Council  11;  Homecoming  Activities 10,
     12; Mu Alpha Theta 10, 11, 12; National   9-6-74         -  Mikki  Howard             11, 12; Dual Enrollment 12; Bat Girl 10,
     Honor  Society  10,  11,  Heartthrob  12;   "Sharn"      "Recycle  and  Save  The  Earth,  Don't   11, Statistician 12
     Beta Club 10, 11, 12; CHAOS 11, 12; Sen-  Pep Club 9;  CECF 11   Abuse,  Reuse"       Favorite Song: "So  What"  -  Ministry
     ior  Superlatives  "Best  All  Around";   Favorite Song: "Slow Dance" - R. Kelly   TAWANA MEYON  KENDRICKS
     Who's  Who  Among  American  High   &  The Public Announcement   8-17-74
     School  Students 11          CARLTON DIMITRI  JONES      "Tina"                                  L
     Favorite  Song:  "I  am  The  Walrus"  -  12-24-73
     The  Beatles                 "Coon  Dog"
     WALTER  EWELL  HOWARD        Favorite Song: "You Thought The Grass
     5-15-75                      Was Greener on The Other Side, When
     "Walt"                       You Found Out It Was Blue It Made You
     CJSA  12                     Wanna Cry"
     Favorite  Song:  "How  Do  You  Talk  To   MARC ALLEN  JONES
     An  Angel" -  The Heights    6-26-73
     TIMOTHY BRADFORD HUDSON      Spanish Club 9; Fine Arts Club 9; FCA 9;
     3-25-75                      VICA 10;  OCT 11
     LINDA  L  YNNETTE HURLEY     Favorite  Song:  "More  Than  Words"  -
     7-10-75                      Extreme
     "Little  Bit"                MARLON  DEJUAN JONES
     Favorite Song: "High Enough" - Damn   1·20-75
     Yankees                      "Jug"
     AMY  MICHELLE  HYDE          Student  Council  9,  Junior  Class  Presi-
     7-28-75                      dent,  Sophomore  Class  Vice-President;
     CBE  Vice-President 12;  Art Club 11   Basketball Team 9, JV 10 Varsity 11, 12;
     Favorite  Song:  "Come  In  Out  Of  The   FBLA  11; Band  9
     Pain" -  Doug Stone          Favorite  Song:  "Right  and  a  Wrong
     "Oh, oook!"                  Way" -  Keith  Sweat
     7-28-75                      7-16-74
     Journalism 9; Art Club 11; Spanish Club   "Sexy Slim"
     11;  CBE  Secretary 12       Pep Club 9;  Art Club  12
     Favorite  Song:  "It's  So  Hard  To  Say   Favorite  Song:  "End  Of  The  Road"  -
     Goodbye"  -  Boyz  II  Men   Boyz  II Men
                                  OLIVIA  DENISE JONES
                 J                12-29-73
                                  Favorite  Song:  "End  Of The  Road"  -
     11-20-76                     SHARONDA MCSHA Y JONES        DeNUra Kelly gives Brandl Crusaw, girl stale winner, a congratulatory hug.
     National  Honor Society President 9,  10,   7-7-75
     11, 12; Beta Club 9, 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha   CHRIS WAYNE JOYNER   Pep Club 9;  FHA Treasurer 11; CECF 12;   DARBY SHANDS LANE
     Theta 10, 11, 12; CHAOS 10, 11, Treasur-  10-15-74       OCT Fundraising Officer 12   11-8-74
     er  12;  Academic  Team  10,  11,  12;  Key              Favorite Song: "Cold Sweat" -  Faze   Falconette  Captain  and  Star  Dancer  9;
     Club  12;  Drama  Club  12;  FHA  9;  Fine               HOPE A.  KENNEDY             Tigerette JV Lieutenant and Best Officer
     Arts  Club  Sgt.-At-Arms  9;  Student                    2-24-75                      Award  10,  Varsity  Lieutenant  11,  Cap-
     Council  10;  Advanced  World  History                   Fine  Arts  Club  9,  10,  11;  French  Club   tain and Superstar Dance Girl  Nominee
     Club 9;  Falconettes Lieutenant 9;  Tiger-  JAMES CHRISTOPHER KEATON   Vice-President  11,  12;  Dance  Club  10;   12; Student Council 9, Sophomore Class
     ettes  Lieutenant  10,  11,  Co-Captain  12;   7-9-75    Homecoming  Activities  10,  11,  12;  Stu-  Treasurer, Junior Class Treasurer, Senior
     JETS Team 11, 12; HOBY Ambassador 10   "Chris"           dent Council 11             Clas  President; National Honor Society
     favorite Song: "Beauty And The Beast"   Fine Arts Club 9;  French Club 10, 11, 12;   Favorite  Song:  "Hotel  California"   9, 10, 11, Sweetheart 12; Beta Club 9, 10,
     - Celine Dion                Mu Alpha Theta 12           The Eagles                  11, 12; Fine Arts Club 9; FHA Historian
     "All  This And  Brains Too!"   Favorite Song: "Kokomo"  - The Beach   "No,  no,  no   ok"   9;  Yearbook  Editor  9;  Advanced  World
     NANCY  ELIZABETH  JAMES      Boys                        CHARMAINE AMANDA KERCE      History Club 9; Bat  Girl  9;  Dance Club
     11-18-75                     "Smeg!"                     12·16-74                    10;  French Club 10,  11, 12; CHAOS 11;
     History Club 9;  Pep Club 9;  Band 9,  10;   JAMES WESLEY  KEATON   MELISSA  LOUISE  KERCE   Interact Parliamentarian 11. 12; Mu Al-
     FHA 10, 11, 12;  FBLA 11; Flag Team 11,   9-17-75        8-5-75                      pha Theta 11, 12; Journalism 11; Home-
     12;  Mu Alpha Theta 12;  Beta  Club 12   "Evil"          Chorus 9,  10,  11,  Ensemble 12;  Interact   coming Events 10, 11, 12; Girls State Al-
     Favorite  Song:  "If I  Ever  Fall  In  Love   Fine Arts Club Photographer 9; CHAOS   Club 11,  12   ternate  11;  Citizen  Bee  Alternate  11;
     Again" - Shai               10; Key Club 10, Treasurer 11, President   Favorite Song: "In This Life"   Dual Enrollment 12; Who's Who Among
     CLYDE  JENKINS III          12; Drama Club 11, Treasurer 11, 12; Ac-  SARAH BETH  KIGHT   American  High  School  Students  9,  10,
     1-5-75                      ademic  Team  10,  11;  Journalism  12;   10-25-75       11;  Prom Committee  11
     "Buck"                      Homecoming  Activities  10,  11,  12;   Beta  Club  9;  FCA  9;  Newspaper  and   Favorite Song: "You've Lost That Lovin'
     Band 9,  10;  Track 11, 12;  Football 12   "Grease" 11;  "Mixed Nuts" 12; CHAOS   Yearbook  Staff 9,  12;  Spanish  Club  10;   Feeling"  -  Righteous Brothers
     Favorite  Song:  "This  Is  My  Heart"  -  10,  11,  12;  Vocal  Ensemble  10,  11,  12;   Art Club 12; Homecoming Activities 10,   CYNTHIA LEA  ANN  LARRAMORE
     Boyz  II  Men               French Club 10,  12          11, 12                      12-16-74
     SABRINA  RENA JENNINGS      Favorite Song: "A letter to Elise" - Cure   Favorite Song: "Suffering" - Baphomet   "Lea  Ann"
                                                                                               Senior Index        247
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