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RENEE ALEXA PARISH ism Staff 11, 12; Leadership 12; Student REX ALLEN RAULERSON 4-23-74
6-7-75 Council 12; Leo Club 12; Pep Club 9; 12-19-74 MICHELLE RENEE RHODES
"Nae Nae" Prom Committee 11; Homecoming Ac- "Mad dog" 7-1-73
Cheerleader JV 10, Varsity 11, 12; Stu- tivities 10, 11, 12 FF A 9; Football 10, 11, 12; VICA 10, 11, HEATHER JEAN RIPPLE
dent Council 11 Favorite Song: "Would I Lie to You"- 12 8-12-75
Favorite Song: "The Rose" - Bette Charles & Eddie Favorite Song: "Seminole Wind" - "Ida Mae"
Midler "Hello!?!" John Anderson Fine Arts Club 9; Chorus 9, 10, 11, 12;
6-28-75 10-24-74 11-15-74 11, 12; Key Club 12; Varsity Tennis
MARIE MICHELLE PAUL AMANDA GAIL POURNELLE "JJ" Team 9, 10, 11; Varsity Swim Team 11,
9-27-74 11-26-75 SADD 9; FBLA 9 12; Girls State Delegate 11; Who's Who
"Shelly" "Little Bit" LOWELL DEWA YNE REED Among American High School Students
Student Council 9; CECF 12 Yearbook Staff 9, 12; Spanish Club 6-14-'74 11
Favorite Song: "What Kind Of Love" - Sweetheart 10; Art Club 10, 11, 12; CHA- FFA 12 Favorite Song: "End Of the World" -
Rodney Crowell OS 11, 12; Dance Club 11; Homecoming Favorite Song: "Remember the Time" - REM
VICKIE LYNN PAYNE Activities 10, 11; Bat Girl 10, 11 Michael Jackson JENNIFER LOUISE ROBINSON
4-10-75 Favorite Song: "Stay" - Shakespere's AMY DARLENE REESER 1-12-75
"S. Vick" Sister 7-14-75 "Chiquita"
Student Council Secretary 9; Journalism WILLIAM ROY PRESCOTT 11 Aim" Chorus 10, 11, 12; Ensemble 12; Key Club
9, 11, 12; Falconelte Lieutenant and Su- 2-5-75 Fine Arts Club 9; Foreign Language Club 11, 12; Journalism 11, 12; Homecoming
perstar Dance Girl 9; Miss LCJH 9; "Bill" 9; Advanced World History Club 9; Stu- Activities 10, 11, 12;
Cheerleader JV Best All Around 10; Var- World History Club 9; Band 9, 10, 11, 12; dent Council10; French Club 10, 11, Sec- Favorite Song: "I'll Be There" - Escape
sity 12; Varsity Tigerette and Superstar Jazz Ensemble 12; French Club 12 retary 12; FEA 11; Homecoming Activi- Club
Dance Girl Nominee 11; Beta Club 11, Favorite Song: "The Lion Sleeps To- ties 10, 11, 12 "You booger head!"
12; Dance Club 10, 11, 12; Student Coun- night" - Dion And The Belmonts Favorite Song: "To Be With You"- Mr. RONALD MACK ROBINSON
cil 9, 10, 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; BRUCE JEROD PRIDGEN Big .l-18-75
Advanced World History Club 9; FHA 6-5-75 RONALD ELLIS REGAR JR. "Frog"
Secretary 9; Bat Girl 9 Student Council President 9; Honor So-
favorite Song: "Hold On" - Chicago ciety President 9, 11, 12; Beta Club 9, 11,
CHRISTINA MICHELLE PELT 12; Art Club 11; Varsity Tennis 11, 12
2-23-75 Favorite Song: "Whiskey Bent And Hell
"Trouble" Bound" - Hank Williams Jr.
Advanced World History Club 9; Pep JAMES ANTHONY ROWE
Club 9; S.A.V.E. President 10; Spanish 5-24-74
Club 10; Photography Club 11; Prom CHRISTY RENEE ROYAL
Decorating Committee 11; Homecoming 6-25-75
Activities 10, 11, 12; Key Club 10, 11; "Attitude"
FHA 9, Vice President Of Projects 10, 11; Fine Arts Club 9; Beta Club 9, 11, 12;
Chorus 9, 10, 11, 12; Ensemble 9; CHAOS Journalism 9; FCA 9; Volleyball JV 10,
10, Board Of Directors 11, President 12; Varsity 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12;
Beta Club 12; Journalism Staff 11, 12; Art Club 11; CHAOS 11; Interact Histo-
rian 11, 12; Honor Society 11, 12; CBE
Academic Letter 10, 11, 12; Treasurer 12; Student Council 12;
Favorite Song: "I'll Be There For You"- French Club 10, 11
"I'll never tell!" 9-8-75
Fine Arts Club Treasurer 9; · Advanced
World History Club 9; French Club 10, TAMMY SUZANNE SANDERS
11, 12; HOSA Chapter and District Sec- 11-21-75
retary 11, President 12; Journalism 9, 12; "Rabbit"
Key Club 10, 11, 12; CHAOS 10, 11; Advanced World History Club 9; Beta
Dance Club 10, 11; Prom Decorating Club 9, 10, 11, 12; National Honor Soci-
Committee 11; Homecoming Activities ety 9, 10, 11, 12; Dance Club 10, 11, 12;
10, 11, 12 The seniors show off their acting talents in the Homecoming skit. CHAOS 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 10,
Favorite Song: "Hotel California"- Ea- 11, 12; Leo Club 10, 12; Spanish Club 10;
gles FEA 11, 12; Photography Club 11, 12; Art
"Look at that Honda Accord!!!" RIKKI LARAE PRIEST 12-5-73 Club 12; Majorette Most Improved 10
FREDRICK LEE PERRY 3-1-75 KYLE REGISTER Favorite Song: "Thunderstruck"
5-10-75 "Rik" 5-12-74 AC/ DC
"Freddy" Fine Arts Club 9; FBLA 9; FCA 9; Ad- TOBY FRANKLIN REGISTER "Let's have a picnic!"
Art Club 9; Football 9, JV 10, Varsity 11; vanced World History Club 9; Spanish 6-29-74 BRUCE CARL SANDERSON
C}SA 12; OCT 12 Club 9, 11; Falconette Co-Captain and "Tobias" 8-25-75
Favorite Song: "The Dance" - Garth Best Dancer Award 9; Tigerette JV Lieu- FFA 10 CHARLES BRIAN SAUNDERS
Brooks tenant 10, Varsity and Best Dancer 11, Favorite Song: "Walking On Holy 10-2-75
AMANDA LEIGH PHILLIPS 12; NCA Superstar Dance Girl10, 11, 12; Ground" Student Council 9, 10; Spanish Club 9;
3-26-75 Student Council 10, Junior Class Vice- STACEY MARIE REID Golf Club 9; Fine Arts Club 9; Chess
"Mandy" President, Senior Class Treasurer; Dance 10-8-73 Club 9; Baseball Card Collectors Club 9;
Spanish Club 10; OCT 12 Club 10; Journalism 11, 12; Who's Who DANIEL ADAM REIMER Student Aide 9; Advanced World Histo-
Favorite Song: "End Of The Road" - Among American High School Students 6-24-75 ry Club 9; Basketball 9; Homecoming
Boyz II Men 11; Prom Decorating Committee 11; "Dan the Man" Activities 10, 11, 12; Baseball JV MVP 9,
CLINTON WAYNE PHILLIPS Homecoming Activities 10, 11, 12 Art Club 9; Homecoming Activities 12 Varsity 10, Best Outfielder 11, 12; SADD
3-23-73 Favorite Song: "The Beautiful Ones" - Favorite Song: "Mr. Tinkertrain" 11,12
"Wayne" Prince Ozzy Osborne ALEXANDER WILLIAM
6-28-74 SCARLETT ANITRA PYLE 3-1-75 8-4-75
"Ricky" 5-14-75 "Poochie" "Alex"
Football JV 10, Varsity 11; Baseball Card "Bert" Student Council 9, 10, 11; Football JV 10, Rifle Team 10, 11; OCT 12; CECF 12;
Collectors Club 9; Spanish Club 9; Key FHA/HERO 12 Varsity 12; FCA 9; Art Club 9; Basketball ROTC 10, 11, 12;
Club Secretary 10, Vice-President 11, Lt. Favorite Song: "The Dance" - Garth 9; Journalism Staff 12 Favorite song: "Ding-Dong song" -
Governor 12 Brooks Favorite Song: "As We Lay"- Shirley The Geezin Slawbro's
Favorite Song: "Stairway To Heaven"- Murdock SHELBY JACK SHEPARD
Led Zepplin PHOEBE RENTZ 4-29-75
VIRGINIA LYNNE PHILLIPS 1-10-75 FFA 9, 10, 11, 12; CECF 12
10, 11; Volleyball 9; Computer Club 9;
11-29-74 3-4-74 JOHN RONALD SHERMAN
"Freckle" "Gus" Math Club 9; Drama Club 11 8-13-75
Chorus 9, 10; CHAOS 10, Board Of Di- FFA 9, 10, 11; Homecoming Activities 12 Favorite Song: "Everlasting Love" - 8-13-75
rectors 11, Vice President 12; FHA- Favorite Song: "When I look into Your Tony Terri "LilJ"
/HERO 10; SAVE Secretary 10; Journal- Eyes" - Firehouse LENTON C. RESMONDO
Senior Index 249