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P. 282

c fiR ~EN B ORRER 0

                                                   J..IE  ~L 1-' ~ Y S  J<NE 1-'  TJt ~T
                                                0 UR  LITTLE  GIRL  1-' 0 ULD
                                                1-t~J<E  IT,  ~ND  YOU  }t~-.,E.
                                                flLI-'~YS  J<EEP  YOUR  JtOPES
                                                fiND  DRE~I"'IS JtiGJt  ~ND YOU
                                                1-'ILL  SUCCEED.

                                                    :MOI"ti"'IY,  fiND  D~DDY

                      Angel  Vaughn  & l<.elly  Church  Best friends

         Lorele: kelly Church,
            You  are  the  best  friend
                                                                                              five wonderful years and
          anyone  could  ever  nave.
         Thank    you   for  always                                                        we  finally made  it- together
          standing  by  me,  even  when                                                    We've  been through a lot, and
          you knew  I  was wrong.  We've                                                   snared  our  fears,  joys,
          been through so  much  since                                                     sadness,  and  as pi rations
          7th grade. Remember  now we                                                      You've  helped  me  to  make  d
          became    friends?      The                                                      through  it all.  I  will  always
          conversation  about  the                                                         remember  the  days  of
          billboard.  Never  forget                                                        tomato  soup  and  pancakes
          football In  the park. "We  love                                                 to what  we 've  become today
          G.O.D."   Double      Dare,                                                      You  are  the  best  friend
          "Lassie",  and  "Dr.****"!                                                       anyone  could  ask  for .  You
          kelly, I  love you and nope  God                                                 deserve  the  best,  never
          blesses  you  in  every  way                                                     settle  for  less.  Just  be
          possible.  Now  that  we  are                                                    yourself  and  always  look
          serious  with  brothers  we                                                      ahead into the  future .  Never
          could  possibly  be  close,                                                      forget  me  I' II  always  be
          literally, forever.                                                              here. Thanks.
                   All my love,                                                               Your best friend always,
                     Angel                                                                             kelly

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