Page 285 - chs-1993
P. 285
So this Is It! It's hard to believe
my big bro is finally graduating
Dear Justin,
Congratulations as you reach one and leaving home. Your sense of
of life's major milestones. We are humor has always kept me
proud of your record, both in
sm111ng even when I didn't want
athletics and academics, but
prouder still of the person you have to. It still amazes me that you
become. We have tried always to appear so shy when you're really
give you our time and support in all a comedian. As your life changes
your activities; but looking back, it
seems we've somehow received these next few years, mine will,
more than we gave. May you be too. I'll no longer have a friend
blessed with a son or daughter, and _. .. 'l;:';\--:"--;;~~~IEiill'l•
for company on long vacations or
20 or 30 years from now, when you
look back through this yearbook, someone to explain every sport
you may still count many of the rule or statistic to me.Every Ume
people who appear here among I pass your room, I'll remember
your friends.
Make new friends, but keep the the best brother ever lived there. I
old--Those are silver, these are thank the Lord for letting me be
gold. Love, Morn, and Dad your sister.
Love Always,