Page 296 - chs-1993
P. 296
.. Snatches of rnernones os we loo~ bac~ over the nchness you have brought to our lives In the last I a years.. Ill hen we f1rstlearned
that our little Jelly Bean existed, we wondered what ~"'d of person you would become , and 1f, as new parents w1rh a guinea pig daughter , we
could mold you Into the ~lnd of human being that we could truly and proudly say was our daughter
Testimony to thotl1es '"the evolution of your mc~nomes from Snoggletooth to Doodle to Angell As your morn, I've enJOyed shoring
chOf19'"9 tastes'" bookS w1th you--from ~hours of Cunous George and Dr Seuss to flght~r~g over who gets to read the latest Damelle
Steel boo~ f irst It' s been fun to watch your taste '" songs, too , reflect changes'" personality S1.llJ1 pnontles-- frorn- Boom, Boom, A1n' t It
Great to be Crazy? " to " I \IIanna Be R1ch."
You've fi lled our lives w1th wonder (" Dad, the ocean's full '" at h1gh tide) , amusement (disgustedly , "I hope I never have a Child like
b..taJ.I" talking about Collin when you two fought at your r ipe old age of J). warmth-and manipulation (as you took our faces In both of your
hands and stored directly Info our eyes whenever you wanted something as a toddler), and pride as we have watched you develop illfo the loving,
conng , loyal, quesflonlfl(j, determined, opinionated, pnnclpled-- hordheoded--young woman that you ore. We've token great pride In seeing you
put others before yourself--A,.,,e , when you were little , and fnends now--~r~ putt~r~gTiqerettes as a whole before your own chances of w'""'"9
a plflk nbbon, and striving for your life's goals w1th dettrrnlnOtlon, dnve , and conviction
We love you, Angel, and look forward w1th eager ont1CipGfiOI1 to wotch~r~g you continue to set and achieve your I}Oals and ennch the
IIVts of others whose lives you touch
Daddy, Mornrno, and Collin