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P. 299

Lynaa 'Barrs                                                            Cliris :Frazier

      You  are  a 6eautifu[ gift  from                                         'To Cnristopfur 'Brett.  I was going  to ca!l you
                                                                               'Brett  but  I  was  afraia peopfe  woultf ca!l you
      (jotf.  We  are very proua of you.
                                                                               ''Bratt. ,.  On  we!(,  Cnristopner  suits  you
      May a[[ your areams  come  true.                                         anyway.  mit  best  of {ucK:_for  tfu  rest  of your
                      Love,                                                    Cife  in  everytning  you  ao.  I'm  very  proud of
                                                                               werytning  you 'Vt  accomp{isnea ana nave  Cots
                          Mom,  ant£ 'lJai
                                                                               of faitni  you'{{ be  very  successfuC in  aU tnat
                                                                               you cfwose  to  tfo  witn your Cife.  !Jlave faitn  in
                                                                               yourself ana you  can  ao  you  want,
                                                                               wen in  tfu most tlifficuCt of circumstance.
                                                                                         %itn mucn Cove afways,
                                                Lynla,  '11ian{you for 6eing tfure wfurJ I       !Mom
                                                rJutletl SOTTUone  anti for putting up  witli
                                                u~erytfii"B· I Cove you anti I f:rww tliat we
                                                liave a Cot of gootl timts in front of u.s.
                                                          Love always,
                                                    Our time  togetfur nos been
                                                special.  I wi[{ afways be nere for
                                                you! !May (joa bUsS our fives ana
                                                 Cove      Lynda

                                              Seventeen years ago we were
                                           6fe.ssea witfi a gift.  Tliat gift was
                                           you.  Over tfiese past years, you
                                           fiave  6rougfit us mucfi prilfe  anti
                                           joy anti fiave  always fielti a special
                                           place in our fie arts.
                                               Y!im fiigfi  in life witfi (joti always
                                           as your guitfe anti never let anyone
                                           takJ, away your tiream.
                                                    We Love You,
                                                   Mama  &  'Datiay
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