Page 302 - chs-1993
P. 302

Pau{a Cason

                                               lfrom  our  frecKju{  face{  6a6y  to  a
                                               fove{y  young  {atfy  ,  you 've  come  a fong
                                               lfrom  tlie  tfay  you  were  6om  we  K_new
                                               you  were  special.  We've  always  6een
                                               very proutf of you for 6eing yourself am£
                                               never  giving  up  at  anytfiing  you 've
                                               We 've  fiat£ great  confitlence  in you  ani
                                               always  wi[[.  9-{pw  tfiat  your  a6out  to
                                               ta~ a .very  important step  in  your Cife,
                                               we  fiope  tfiat  you  remem6er  you  wifl
                                               always 6e a winner in our eyes. Your life
                                               lias  on{y just 6egun,  6ut  we  K_now  tfiat
                                               you  wi[[ go far.  (joe£  matfe  you for  a
                                               reason,  so  remem6er,  " 'To  ma~ tfie
                                               worU a frientf[y pface,  one  must sfiow a
                                               frieni{y face. •
                                                    We fove you very mucfi,
                                               Mom, Vcu£  am£ tfie wfio{e 6itf  foving
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