Page 334 - chs-1993
P. 334
Amy and Kristy Hyde
1 t' s hard to believe the little
"bundles'' of I 7 years ago have grown
into such lovely young ladtes. It seems
like yesterday you were learning to walk
and talk. Today, you are prepartng to
leave the "nest", and heaven knows the
talktng never stops . We want both of
you to know we Jove you and are proud
of you. Our prayer is that both of you
achieve yo ur goals tn life, and with I guess we are always going
God's help, everything is possible. to be best friends. /' m glad I
Remember that once you leave, we have have someone so c lo se!
(and always will have) eyes that see Remember all the good t imes
and ears that hear everythtng we've had. Party-on ! Get the
(sometimes before tt even happens) ; picture?
don't we??? Above all, remember we friends forever,
love you and always will. Pawlah !
Mom, and Dad
Amy and Kristy,
Well you guys finally made it.
Congratulations! Always
remember the great times we
had together, although some
things we could forget! Know
what I mean? Good luck in the
future . You two will defintely
need it. I hope we will always be
the best of friends.
Love always,Dawn (Dawnee)
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