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P. 339


                                                     sarah  Beth,
                                                      You  were  nor  only  our  third  beautiful  daughter,  but  an
                                                     unexpected  and  special  bonus.  K.rlstal,  K.elll,  and  I  are  so  proud  of
                                                     your  accomplishments,  and  I  know  your  father  would  be  too.  He
                                                     would  be  telling  everyone  about  his  "Sarah  Bee "
                                                      These  last  three  years  have  been  tough,  I  know,  but  you  have  met
                                                     every  challenge  with  your  usual  quiet  determination  and  with  a
                                                     maturity  beyond  your  years,  you  have  succeeded.
                                                       I  so  admire  your  strength,  personal  Integrity,  honesty,  and
                                                     Independent  spirit.  I  know  that  you  will  realize  your  dream  of
                                                     graduating  from  fSU,  (  //Ice  your  dad  did  )  and  that  you  will  be  a
                                                     success  at  whatever  career  you  choose .
                                                       I  Jove  you  so  very  much.  Congratulations  and  may  you  never  be
                                                     less  happy  than  you  are  today.
                                                                                           Love,  Mom

                                             !RJtKi Larae Priest

         I can't 6elieve my 6eautifu£ Cittft
      gir{ is grcufuating  aCrecufy.  1Q.K_kj.,
      you liave  matfe tUul am£ I so
      to 6e your parents.  We Cove you so
      very mucfi fione.y,  am£ I  K._now witfi
      your tfe.tennination am£ inte{[igence
      you  wi{[ 6e  successful in  anytfiing
      you cfioose  to ao.
              We Cove you,
              !Mom, 'Dat£ 1?.fJoert,
              'Tommy &  ~6ecca

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