Page 340 - chs-1993
P. 340

leC  a.-a  ~ ~()1?1"<ȴ&
                                            6-e  6-et.t.eP   t.h.AJ~n,   1f()U1"
                                            v-ee.t.ePd<Z-1f&.   l<eep.  1f()U1"
                                            (ta-it.h,;  W   (}-C)d   (;.h,;p()U?/1;
                                            t;.I)IN<j/1;  Umee.  a,h,;ea-d.  IJi&
                                            ~ wlU, (Auu:t  1fC'U'  (;.()
                                            t;.h,;e   p.~a,cee.   1f()U 'a   be
                                                  We  (Awe 1fCXl',
                                              M~, {()a-d,  lee,  luk-e,  a,n,d
                                             ..:•  .. .
                                             .:..  .
                                          ~~  •  t;:  •• .... .
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            %my 5tngrrufe dass,1985/86 · Mtkose Park_'Eum. Congratulations ani Cove.  You were my  'iream· cfass. 'ITu
         dass af£ tUJCkrs iream of naflin.g. J'ls we([ as  my Cast  at M&ose. You're af£ very specW to me.
         You've  aU-eaiy maie me ani yoJU wontitrfu£ parents so prou£ 'X#p up tnt gooi work_ ani you wif£ succui at anytliing
         you c.Mose to io in fife.
            'Brian S., you always toU me  tliat you were going to p{ny professional 6ase6af£ sometfay.  J ezyect to watcn you on TJ/
          one  of tnese  iays.
            MarCon, you promisei to say  '/ie[[o. to me on national TJ/ wntn you 6WJme Presiitnt.  J'{[ 6e waiting!!!!!
           Supnanit., I'm coiUtting on you to  ~care of my animals wkn you 6WJme a vt.tenarian.
            Lisa,  l iiin 't know at tnt time tliat you 6WJmt. my  Jourtn. tfa.U[Jftter. You nave spent so mucn time at my
          ftouse ani in my nea.rt, tliat l tliirtk_of you as mine.
            9'ou Wert a[[ (j~'f ani  l Cove you. (jooi U.UR]!!!!!!!
          'DoU[J fllngs tait   'Eric :Hamifton   Stt.pnanit. Mos&y
          'Breruia 'Ba~r   £isa:J{osjori   fllmantfa Pliiffips
          'J?.p6ert 'Bates   MarCon Jones   'Brain Sauntftrs
          Cftai Crews   Lesfie 1(p6eruin   CarCun '
          '[ ony 'Dan ids   'Dar6y Lane   'BecKJ/ 'Tunmermart
          Lamari~     Lu.Layton
          Jim:FJUst   Cftris  McCue


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