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P. 74

Journalism is a  class  full  of spirit,
          power, and  determination.  The book                        STOP  THE
         you  hold  before you  is  an example of
          the hard work that is done by the class.
         There are  countless hours spent on a
          yearbook filled  with memories  for  the
          enjoyment  of  students,  faculty,  and
          friends.  Editor Colleen Maxwell  tried
          to  make sure everyone  would do  just
          that,  ENJOY!!

         ''Tiger Tale" Editor, Justin Collins, knows
         how  to  write,  word  process, and  be  the     Colleen  Maxwell  diligently  explains  to  Mendy  Eades  and  Teresa
         MacYatzee champion of Journalism.                Pepper the step-by-step process of selling  ads.

          ''We just know today is not the deadline,"
          pleads Brenda  Vinton,  Dawn  Langston,                    Demetrios Rentz gives a silent plea for HELP!!
          and Rachel  McClellan.

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