Page 76 - chs-1993
P. 76
... OFTH
Squinting ...
were you angered
or just perplexed?
Elemental Beauty:
Earth-- your body
Wind--your whisper
Fire-- your hair
glimpses ...
lifting the hem of your dress to avoid rain splattering
(I'm sorry for gazing)
toying with your collar
are you nervous?
do you fear being seen?
I wonder what I'd hoped to accomplish
besides puzzlement
The sky will not yield
tonight i saw lightning flash
think i felt a jolt
but only indirectly from the heavens.
by philip fowler
1\UnninG ,SC.&I:\6D.
U5llei:\S TO TUI\n.
U511.&T DO I 1\Un Fl\07'!.
lDIHIT Fe.&l\ BUI\n.S In Tlhe niGJhT ...
FlU:enD TO ?WS.
1\.a:ll:GlhT U11TI1\.
Te?WPTeD Bl1 DSI:l(TJh.
COi'I6 FOI\Tlh ?Wl1 Te.&I\.S ...
!'"OUI\ DSI:lTI1.
i'I"e enD. You'rcz a drczam comcz trucz,
QUe.STIOn.S l\tli.S6D lDITJhin. an an~a>czr to my prayczr~.
i'Il1 .SOUL. you'll pull my hczart togczthczr,
DeaD ann Gone. and ~cza> up all It~ tczar~.
i'I"e COi'II?Il.S.SIOn.
COLD ann 1\SVSI:\eD ...
You hold my hand In your~.
II TSIII\ OF I?UI\IT!'". a~ a>cz a>aiJi In our oa>n a>orld,
II canDLe FOI\ LIFe.
"eOUI\ 7\fSi'IOI\!1 I.S i'IIne. and cz\)czryoncz a>ho ~czcz~ u~.
!fOUl\ LIFe .SnUfFeD OUT. Jinoa>~ that I'm your girl.
!fOUl\ .SOUL FOI\evel\ TIUII?PeD.
•n Tile Tei:II\.S of Innocence ... qnd IF a>cz CZ\)CZr ~czparatcz,
B!' BI:\ST lBlUITCI1el\ and thczn a>cz driFt apart,
rczmczmbczr that you'll ala>ay~ h
a ~pczclal placcz In my hczart.
- Sarah liczlly