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P. 110

Christa Colletti
                                                    Bryan Collins
                                                     Laura Collins
                                                    Laquez Combs
                                                      Dana Cook

                                                     Quitta Cook
                                                      Laura Cook
                                                    Megan Coonce
                                                  Michael Corthell
                                                    James Cothran

                                                    jennifer Cough
                                                      Cindy Creel
                                                      Brett Crews
                                                      Brian Crews
                                                   Lashonna Crews

             Monica  Brady,  Diter  Gates,  and
             Damia Houston show  that  the  hip
             bone is  connected to the  leg  bone  in   Shirley Crews
                                                    Terry Cutford
             Mrs. Kelley's anatomy class.
                                                    Michael Daies
                                                   Jacob Daughtry
                                                  Tommy Davidson

                                                   Viola Davidson
                                                     Bobbie Davis
                                                       jeff Davis
                                                    Deiliana Dees
                                                     james Deese

                                                      john Dekle
                                                    Darcy Delaney
                                                   Amanda Derosia
         Sophomores  came  to  Columbia  High  School   Amber Diaz
                                                    Bradley Dicks
       South  not  knowing  what  to  look  for  or  expect.
       All of us heard horror stories of the  torture and
       humiliation  that  tenth  graders,  also  known  as
       "slop  dogs",  were  put  through  from  older  sib-
       lings or friends.                            Delenna Dicks
         Some  were  excited,  others  terrified,  but  after   Jennifer Dicks
                                                     Lynard Dicks
       we  spent a  few  weeks  here  we  found  that  there
                                                    Latwala Dixon
       was  more  to  be  found  than  pranks,  homework   Tommy Dorsey
       assignments, and book reports; we found friend-
       ship, laughs and good times.
         To all of our friends  who are Seniors and are
       moving on, the best of luck from the class of '96.

             Scarlett  Smithy,  Kristi  Free,  Laura
             Collins,  Katie Tompkins, and  Ashlee
             Owens  know  that  friendship  will
             keep  them  up even  when  the  world
             lets them down.

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