Page 111 - chs-1994
P. 111
Travis Douberly
Walter Douglas
Amy Drawdy
Lyn Driggers
Tikeshia Duhart
Kunta Dunning
Pepper Durham
Wesley Dyal
Brian Eberhardt
Craig Ebert
Kathy Edwards
Jessie Eggleton
James English
Winston English
Chasity Evans
Regina Evans
Sharlene Evans
Phillip Feagle
Karrie Jones, Breon Thomas, and
Steven Ferguson Kiccy Heggs give a quick smile
Stephanie Finnell
Daniel Flegert before class.
Delvin Fleming
Juanita Fleming
Christopher Ford
Tarnadus Ford
Victoria Foster
Darren Fout
Anna Francis
Caleb Frazier
Kristi Free
Rebecca Fudge
Jessica Fulford
Meghan Fuller
Jessica Fulton
Thomas Futch
Jason Gaskill James Williamson and Darnell
Daniel Gaskins Butler take time out of their busy
Diter'olon Gates sophomore lives for a quick picture.
Alice Geiger
Antonio Gibbons
Amy Gibson
Erin Giebeig
Jesse Giebeig
George Gilbert
Donald Gilmore
Timothy Girard
Connie Glenn
Donnie Gilmore, Ryan Boone,and
It's good to keep your first J.L Layle think the best way to
deal with the pressure of being an
dollar, but what truly makes a underclassman is friendship.
rich man 1s keeping his first
Sophomores ~ 107