Page 117 - chs-1994
P. 117
Jeremy Rivers
Sabrina Rivers
Kyle Roberts
Somer Roberts
Kelly Robinson
Jill Rodibaugh
Jason Ross
Shana Ross
Phillip Rossin
Summer Rowan
Thomacia Rowe
David Russell
Christina Ryals
Julie Sadler
Steven Sa mer a
Donald Sands
Heather Sauls
Kari Schmidt
Keyur Shah
Nicloe Sheffield
Maureen Shoniker
Carrie Simmons
Lindi Skinner While Lucas Boy tle is doing what he docs best
Chad Slanker Latwala Dl on is hard at work.
Catherine Smith
Courtney Smith
Greg Smith
Jason Smith
Tanzania Smith
So many Sophomores have their futures
planned out. Whether you see college, career,
marriage, children or all of the above in your fu-
ture you must realize that high school is not
William Smithye
S arlett Smithy only one of the best times in your life but the
Christie Snelgrove base you build your future on.
James Snowberger While we are here at Columbia High so many
Rocky Solomon opportunities are given to us. Seize these oppor-
tunities and make the most of them because you
and your education can make a difference in our
generation, world, and community.
Chris Ward prepares a smart remark while Kelly
Williams works hard.
Sophomores r-.:/+ 113