Page 118 - chs-1994
P. 118

jaime Sowards
                                          Shelley Spears
                                        Tressie Spradley
                                            Ami Staley
                                      Christopher Stalvey
                                        Beverly Stanlick

                                         Tracy Stanford
                                         Steven Statham
                                          Chad Stevens
                                         Angela Stewart
                                           Otto Stokes
                                         Christina Stone

                                       Christopher Stone
                                        Shontez Strawder
                                        Michelle Sullivan
                                        Dwain Summers
                                       James Tannachion

       The j.V. football  team  takes a moment to express
                                        Jonathon Taylor
       their side to whose team is the best.   Laura Taylor
                                          Skeeter Taylor
                                           Tim Taylor
                                          Francis Terry
                                          Breon Thomas

                                        Frederick Thomas
                                         Hillary Thomas
                                           Nori Thomas
                                         Randall Thomas
                                          Robin Thomas

                                       Anthony Thurston
                                        Sara Timmerman
                                        Stasia Timmons
                                         Alvin Timothe
                                          Kevin Tolbert

       There  were  always  Sophomores  present  on   Deanna Tomlinson
       Friday nights to show their support for the CHS   Daniel Tompkins
       Tigers. Bryan  Abbot,  Ray Chamberlin, and Ryan   Katie Tompkins
       McLean  were no exception.        Chad Towsend
                                          Dandra Travis
                                       Michael Truesdale

                                          Jacob Trvillo
                                          April Tucker
                                           jaime Tulp
                                         Karen Tweedell
                                           Scott Vinci
                                          Erika Walker

                                      Tony Johnson concentrates to be his best in Coach Wolf's
                                      weight  training class.

       114          Sophomores
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123