Page 129 - chs-1994
P. 129
The ninth grade CHAOS club sponso d a door
decoration contest during red nbbon week. Th object of
the doors was to warn kids about the dangers of drugs.
Many creative door designs \\'ere mad by the students
which gave the usually dull doors a bright new look.
The door pictured below as picked as the best
decorated door on campus.
Top Left: Ja on Cobb, Travis Hunter, Billy Robert.,, Jo"l'i
Brand1 Bedenbaugh Top Right: Sarah Carter, Heath •r reen, Jarred
Lane, hrissy Oakley, Kelly fay lor, Tina John<>on, ]t ·h 1urray.
1arty l luntcr and Harrl'l Bany BURY THE HABIT.
Freshmen JW~~r- us