Page 131 - chs-1994
P. 131
Fashion is a very important part
of a teena e 's life. It is a major
problem for people to pick out
their clothes every morning. It
is at this time those famous
words are heard, "I don't have
anything to wear!" Make sure
those shorts ar t too short or
they'll get you the CHS
dress code. o h s, even if
they go great with that outfit.
Even if it's 105 degrees, till no
tank tops. If you ride your bike
to school y u better not wear
bike shorts. Stick to the dress
code or the fashion police will
Cliff Kelly, Ardell oodrich, Ryan Toucht n, Wesley Oougla ·, Mackenzie
Tuberville, icole Pa ker, Matt McLane, and 1randa Jerry till can·t match. g t
Reboca lturtaon
Robert Hatfield
Rlchorcl H•y.,.
April Haulwoocl
Donli!l Helmick
William Hendricks
M•ry Herml!am.n
Preston Hewlett
John Hickey
J•net HID
Nlchole Hines
&nle Hodaon
Juon Hof~nn
Travla Holland
Jason Holllnsaworth
Tony Hol~n
Amy Holton
Cerrl Houaton
Terron Hudaon
Shannon Hush••
Amy Hunter
Israel Hunter
Jeanie Hunter
MorclecY Hunter
Travis Hunter
Anthony Hurlburt
Sh•nn• Hurat
~m.ntha Huah
Scephanle Hyde
Adrienne Hy .. u
Charmtth"' laue
Walter lvey
Jeny Jackson
Ubra James
Donald Jenklna
Renlt• Jenlo.lna
Antonio Jennlns•
Donny Jennlnp
Torshuo Jennlns•
Rebecca Jemison
Wlllle C. Jemison
Willie J. Jemison
Lovorla Jeny
Mirando Jerry
Andrew Johna
AnseUcY Johnson
Freshmen ~~ 127