Page 173 - chs-1994
P. 173
In general students at CHS arc pretty normal,
but things arc not always as they appear to be.
Unusual surprises can be found around every
Ms. Wise shilrcs il lilugh with Scott llenley ilnd Tom Futch in
French dilss.
Shilnnon I lotion helps Trevor Witliilms touch up Ius milkcup
in journillism.
jilson Uilisden <Jttcmpts to lift the
teilcher milnUill off Mrs. Mcintosh's
Dorrie Knight wonders why )ilson Lee is
an dance class and we wonder why she
as tcilching at.
Dilvid Smith receives help with iln undoubtilbly wonderful creiltion dunng il Sam Little, Jimmy Greene, ilnd Lee Mixon forget that school is
hilnds on ilctivity in shop clils~ for learning and not for napping.
Academics ~- 169