Page 220 - chs-1994
P. 220
The Columbia High J.V. football team had
a new twist this year. The 9th and the
10th grade squads joined forces to form one
powerful football team. The outcome of
this combination was even better than
expected. The J.V. football team finished
their season with an undefeated record.
Along with the addition of the 9th graders
to the squad, some new coaches were
welcomed aboard also. Coach Joe Hudson,
Coach Virgil Scippio, and Coach Jonathan
Perry joined the already talented staff of
Coach Harrison, Coach J. Register, Coach J.V. Tigers take the field ready to
DeW esse, and Coach Mobley. pounce the opposing team.
Bruce Williams calls the play to his teammates as they get ready to plow over the goal line. Coaches, players, cheerleaders,
moment of silence.
lot Row: Cooch Horrbon, Miu )en kina, Ryon Boone, Travis Hunter, Bruce WiU~mo. Kunto Dunning. Eaton Albury, Chris Sessions, Chris Word, Adrisn Coof"'r, Michael Doles, Lee Stone, Po trick
Singley, Eugene Paxton. E.ul Snolons, Teronce Horrell, ~vi Bennett. Co;och Hud!IOn. 2nd Row: joshue Lumpkin. Brion Allen. Morquis, Jones, john Dekle, Dovld Sollers, James o. ... , Tyrone Mullin
Jooh johns, Melvin Goggins, Horry Mote, Allen lkdenbough. Jerry Jenkin!, Morrell Bennett, Kevin H•IL Rick Cothr•n, WlllleJemig•n, Clint Dicks. Jrd Row: Co.1ch Sdpplo, Ad•m S.Luburg. Tony
johnson, Shoun Meeks, Be•u Ru U, Robby Hatfield, )•son Holllngowirth, Chris Jemlgon, Kh•lld Rentz. Bruce Heoth, Bl•lne Philpot, Tony Roberts, jon•th•n C.rver, John Groene, Brisn Raulerson.
D•nlel Flegert, D•rold Willl•ms. Co.1ch Mobley. 4th Row: Co.1ch O.We ... , G•ry Pratt (trainer), Travis Gilbert. Hugh Glenn, Chris Jones, Derrick Holl, J•son King. Brad Dicks, D•vid Henry, Ry•n
Dobson, Tony jones, Rocky Solomon, Steven Ander!IOn, M•tt Bergen, Thomas Allen, Justin Peeler, J•son Bbir, jim Bowero,Jo!!On I !of(mon,Joy Price, jeff LeRoux (trainer).
216 ~· JV Football