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               The  Tigerette  dance  team  is       In  December  two  of  the  girls,
           forty-four  girls  strong  this  year.   Chrissy Oakley and Teresa Torrans
           The girls went to a   CA camp this    traveled  to  Hawaii  to  represent
           summer  as  a  varsity  and  junior   the  team  by  performing  in  the
           varsity  team.  Both  teams  received   loha  Bowl  and  Christmas
           top  awards  in  all  areas  of       Parade.
           performance.  They  received  the         Several  of  the  girls  also
           most  admired  team  award,  best     performed  on  a  cruise  to  Mexico.
           home  routine,  and  best  team       While  another  group  of  girls
           performance, just to name a few.      traveled  to  the  Bahamas  to
                When the teams got back from     perform.
           camp  they  decided  to  combine  as      The  team  also  represents  the
           one  team.  The  girls  performed  at   school   by   helping   in   the
           all  varsity  and  junior varsity  home   community.  They  lend  a  helping
           football  games.    They  also        hand by volunteering at events such
           performed  at  a  few  basketball    as Special Olympics, Chapter 1 Fun
           games,  wrestling   matches,  and     Run,  and  Handicap  Awareness
           soccer games.                        Day.
                From  December  to  February         Being  a  member  of  the
           the  girls  worked  very  hard,      Tigerette  Dance  Team  is  an
           practicing  four  days  a  week,  to   experience  the  girls  will  never
           prepare  for  the   CA  State  Dance   forget.
           Team Competition held in Orlando,
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            1st row: co-captain Shannan Oyatt, captain Dorrie  Knight,  co-captain Teresa Torrans 2nd  row: Kelly Robinson,
            Holly Langston, Sabrina Estes,  'icole Sheffield, Brandi  Logan, Sybil Chapman, Michelle Cameron,  Rina  Patel
            Jrd  row: Marissa  'orth, Julie Parsons, Lyn  Driggers,  Laura  Collins, Tiffany Torrans,Casey  Harrison,  Allison
            Powers, Brandi Bedenbaugh, Stacey  'etUes  4th  row: Monica Brady,  Priscilla  Zahner,  Kelli Taylor, Jennifer
            Kirby, Ashlee Owens, Fang-Yun Yang, Tiffany Williams, Keni Phillips, Stephanie Cushman, Courtney   Paschall,
            Chrissy Oakley  Sth row:  Andrea Lucht, Erin  Paschall,  Mandi Tillotson, Summer Rowan, Ragan  Green,  Heather
            Raska,  Jamie  Desrosiers, Jami  Dockery,  Shauna Brading,  Tara  Williams,  Autumn Murphy,  Scarlett  Smithy,
            BecJcy Cox, Jenalyn Swisher
                                                                                     Pnscilla Zahner, Ashlee Owens, and Jenmfer Kirby put thelt

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