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P. 304


                                                                                       Z3a.b~.  l'vt  llwz  llll.lh  fiOU  ttvt.  aLmaJ.JI.  lllla
                                                                                     fi:UVlll  twlll.  wzd  lltea.IJJJt  at  !fau  Ui.wt  lzavt
                                                                                     llttll  Uzt  mai.U  lllatzdv~tu.L  t.ula  !ftalla  at  tn!f
                                                                                     L'-6-t.  l'Vt  Lavtd  wvt.!f  tnatntllt  lllt'vt
                                                                                     tag.tlh.vt.. wid  Z lllauLdn't  l.lw..dt  a  lutzg.Lt   am
                                                                                     ttvl  tJu.  llllWlt  lllatdd. l  lwp.t  lilt  CO.Il/.1./ZUt  la
                                                                                     lutp.{}  f}/ttal.  matnwta. lltea.uat  Z fil-M
                                                                                     la  llt  llll.lh  fl:aU  6-wl  a  Latzg.  l~.tnt.  '7./zaug.lz  l
                                                                                     luwlll  tlw.l  aatlltlt.llltiJ  tlw~t·J.J  atwllwl  tzLact
                                                                                     fl:aU·d  tt.aUlVt.  flt.  l'tn  g.Lad  fi.OU  c/wat  la  flt
                                                                                     lwt.t  llll.lh  tnt.  2'111  fW.aud  at  gau  llall!f  l'm
                                                                                    p..r..aud  at{}  {IOU  atct. wzd  Wtt~fl}wzg
                                                                                    fl:au'vt  dallt.  fjau  tnta./1  tnatt.t  la  tnt  tJw.11  Uit
                                                                                    lllatdd. wid l  lllWll  fl:aU  ta  /uzOl/1  /hal.. 'I,tULVI.I.i..
                                                                                    Z Lavt  fl:a  llltl/i.  aLL  lllfl:  lzta,.:L Z llliLI..  aLlll~a
                                                                                    La.Vt  fi:OU.
                                                                                    L:.avt a&lG.f!:a .

                    Timothea Awatla 1illmatl

                                                    I  would  like  to  take  this
                                                 time  and  thank  the  people
                                                who  made  a  difference  in
                                                my  life.  To  my  mother  and
                                                 father,  thanks  for  all
                                                you've done  in the past, and
                                                the  years  to  come .  To  my
                                                friends,  we've        laughed
                                                together,        and      cried
                                                together .  The  memories
                                                shared will  last  forever . To
                                                Ike,  I  love  you.  To  my  son,
                                                Terry     Traeon       Ingram,
                                                mommy  loves  you            for
                                                always       Well  my  days
                                                roaming  these  halls  have
                                                been  fun.
                                                See  ya,
                                                Timothea Tillman

       300  ~l Sr. Ads- Trav1s Maze And Timothea Tillman
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