Page 299 - chs-1994
P. 299
'Erin 'E[izabetli Pascfia[[
9Y{y sweet angeL It seems uk:J on{y yesterday tlia.t you were born and I
fula you in my arms for tfi.e first time. I sti{[ remember your first steps
and your first day of kindergarten. 'J{pw, here you are graduating from
liigh scfioo{. I am so very proud of tfie beautiful, inte{[igent, and sweet
young woman you've become. .9f.s you prepare for aauftliooc{, p{ease
remember to k.f,ep your standards liigli and reacli for tfie stars. :Have faitli
in yourself and in (joa and tliere 's nothing you cannot achieve. I want
you to !(now tlia.t you are tlie joy of my fife ana tlia.t I wi{{ afways fove
you and be there for you. Congratufations sweet angeL
.• , Congratulations
... .. We all love you, Senior 1994
Big Sis I
••• Justin, Leah,
and Mom
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