Page 315 - chs-1994
P. 315
fiLL% 'E I rJJ JL
tlrOCK, Scott,
We've been through so much together in the past years. < past coupu of years tfiat we fiave 6un fiave 6un great! 'We fiave
We've made a lot of great memories, memories that I will hold in fuu{ 50 many gooa ti.rnes ana a few 6aa time.r, 6ut tfiat is wfiat matft our rdiuionsliip
my heart and cherish forever. I thank God every night for allowing 50 perfect. 'IFu Jritntfsfiip we fiave only come.r arouna once in a Gfetimt, am{ wif1
me to share such a special relationship with such a special never 6e repfaua 6y anyone efse. I a on 't {.now e~tCy wfiat tfr.t future fio(tfs for
person. Whatever the future holds for us, I know in my heart that us, 6ut as far as you, I wisfi tfr.t 6est tfiat {ije fias to offer. Scott you wif1 afways
we will always be the best of friends, a"'nd no matter what I'll always fioU a very speciaf pfau in my fr.tart ana I wif£ afways fove you! I LO'V'E ')'O'll!!!
love you with all of my heart. ~{ways,
Love always, 'Vrcfj
Wesley Mandel Watson
Wesley, we wont you to know
how proud we ore of you ond the
great joy we feel now os you
groduote from high school. We
ore proud of your successes, of
your skill, ond talents of your
hord work, accomplishments, ond
dreams. Good luck in the furure.
You ore truly o special person ond
we thank God for you.
Mom & Dod
Brock Johnson, Scott Almeida, Wesley Watson - Sr. Ad ~· 311