Page 319 - chs-1994
P. 319
~f(jtlia 1\gssin & rrarona Jones
To ?{pfjtfw antf 'Tarona,
Pis your parents we are very proutf of you 6otli. 'I7it year
of finisfiing fiigli sclioo{ is now tntfing. 'I1ie tirru lias come
for a new 6egining. 'Even tfwugfi tfit roatf was sorrutimes
wng antf fwrtf you wo~tf to tflt fieavens to tfiarrK:. (jotf. 'We
fiopt tfiat tfit future 6rings 6rigfit aays antf fwpt tfwt you
ac.fiiwe your goafs in Cife. So ~ep your fieatf up antf reacli
for tfie stars 6ecaust tfit sf;y is tfit frmit. Jt{ways rerrum6tr
tfiat (jotf wi({ 6e 6y your siae tfirougfigootf antf 6atf times.
'Wi tli Love,
Your Parents