Page 331 - chs-1994
P. 331
Kirkland R..uth Marie McCall
Congratulations Ree! We Love you
and wish you the best in the future.
Congratulations ~y!! and the Fletcher family
We're all very proud of your
accomplishments. With your
ability and personality, you
can't help but be a success in
anything you choose to do.
We love you,
~arah, Ke11i, Krtsta1, &f Hank
Aubrey Giebeig's Last Words of Thanks
Henry, Debbie, Granny,
Michael Miller The "PICKLE" Crew (Laurel
Grandmama, Aunl Gwendolyn,
I couldn't ever thank you Ring Lorell Kasey Sarah
Mary Anne, Laura R._ulh, Mark
enough for all you've done. Kelley) Thanks for aff you've
Alison, Grandpa, & Elaine Thanks
You are my best friend, apd done. I'ff keep lhe memories
lo each of you, I am finaffy here.
I hope we always stay as always. Keep in touch, and
Each of you played an imporlant
we are now. Never forget NEVER.. forget "over sunned
part in my success. You .ali have
me (or SPAM). and keep in pickles". Thanks you guys,
had an impact on me, and I Love
louch! Thanks .. .! Love You! and never for gel, I love you!!
You aff. Thanks for it aff!
Ms. Sharon. Mr. Skipper Brian and
I could never express with words Jessica I know I don't see you anymore. but I miss and love
on paper how much your family you afot. You are lhe best little sister a girl could want..
means to me. I couldn't have made NOTHING wiff ever seperate us for good. You are growing
it through the fast year without into a lovely young lady, and I'm proud to calf you my sister.
ya'fl. You have been a great I'm always here for you, just calf! I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU!
inspiration. May God bless your Good Luck! Never forget me!
family and bless you for your love. I
love you four!
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